Allen Bradley | 25B-D6P0N104 | PowerFlex 525 AC Drive 480V/6A/3HP Price And Quantity
35000.0 INR/Unit
1 Unit
Allen Bradley | 25B-D6P0N104 | PowerFlex 525 AC Drive 480V/6A/3HP Product Specifications
Various available Millimeter (mm)
Allen Bradley Drive
440 Volt (V)
50 Hertz (HZ)
Allen Bradley | 25B-D6P0N104 | PowerFlex 525 AC Drive 480V/6A/3HP Trade Information
100 Unit Per Month
7 Days
All India
Product Description
Allen Bradley 25B-D6P0N104 PowerFlex 525 AC Drive, with Embedded EtherNet/IP and Safety, 480V AC, 3-Phase, 6A, 3HP/2.2kW Normal Duty; 3HP/2.2kW Heavy Duty, Frame A, IP20 NEMA / Open Type, No Filter